Column Densities with AbsComponent ================================== :download:`Download ` this notebook. .. code:: python %matplotlib inline # suppress warnings for these examples import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') .. code:: python # imports try: import seaborn as sns; sns.set(context="notebook",font_scale=2) except: pass from scipy import integrate import astropy.units as u from linetools.isgm import abscomponent as lt_abscomp from linetools.spectralline import AbsLine from linetools.spectra.xspectrum1d import XSpectrum1D # import imp lt_path = imp.find_module('linetools')[1] Read Spec --------- .. code:: python xspec = XSpectrum1D.from_file(lt_path+'/spectra/tests/files/UM184_nF.fits') Generate a few AbsLines ----------------------- .. code:: python SiIItrans = ['SiII 1260', 'SiII 1304', 'SiII 1526', 'SiII 1808'] .. code:: python abslines = [] for trans in SiIItrans: iline = AbsLine(trans) iline.attrib['z'] = 2.92939 iline.analy['vlim'] = [-250.,80.]* iline.analy['spec'] = xspec abslines.append(iline) # abslines .. parsed-literal:: [, , , ] Generate the Component ---------------------- .. code:: python abscomp = lt_abscomp.AbsComponent.from_abslines(abslines) .. code:: python try: sns.set(context="notebook",font_scale=2) except: pass abscomp.stack_plot() .. image:: AbsComponent_ColumnDensities_files/AbsComponent_ColumnDensities_10_0.png -------------- Synthesize/Measure AODM Column Densities ---------------------------------------- .. code:: python abscomp.synthesize_colm(redo_aodm=True) .. code:: python abscomp.logN .. parsed-literal:: 13.594445560856554 .. code:: python for iline in abscomp._abslines: print(iline.wrest, iline.attrib['flag_N'], iline.attrib['logN'], iline.attrib['sig_logN']) .. parsed-literal:: 1260.4221 Angstrom 1 13.5883729709 0.0150745701489 1304.3702 Angstrom 1 13.7708705955 0.0862006463782 1526.707 Angstrom 1 13.6707360009 0.0640855113383 1808.0129 Angstrom 3 0.0 0.50976387151 -------------- Apparent Column Density Plot ---------------------------- .. code:: python abscomp.plot_Na() .. image:: AbsComponent_ColumnDensities_files/AbsComponent_ColumnDensities_18_0.png -------------- COG --- :math:`F(\tau_0)` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Definition :math:`F(\tau_0) = \int_0^\infty dx \, [1- \rm e^{-\tau_0 \rm e^{-x^2}}]` .. code:: python def ftau_intgrnd(x,tau0=0.1): return 1 - np.exp(-tau0 * np.exp(-x**2)) .. code:: python neval = 10000 lgt = np.linspace(-3, 9, neval) all_tau0 = 10.**lgt Ftau = np.zeros(neval) for jj,tau0 in enumerate(all_tau0): Ftau[jj], ferr = integrate.quad(ftau_intgrnd, 0, np.inf, args=(tau0,)) .. code:: python # Damped limit (not accurate enough) damp_lgt = np.linspace(6, 10, 100) damp_tau0 = 10.**damp_lgt damp_Ftau = np.sqrt(np.log(damp_tau0)) .. code:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(lgt, Ftau, damp_lgt, 1.015*damp_Ftau) .. parsed-literal:: [, ] .. image:: AbsComponent_ColumnDensities_files/AbsComponent_ColumnDensities_25_1.png Perform and Plot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python abscomp = lt_abscomp.AbsComponent.from_abslines(abslines) COG_dict = abscomp.cog(redo_EW=True, show_plot=True) .. image:: AbsComponent_ColumnDensities_files/AbsComponent_ColumnDensities_27_0.png .. code:: python # Output COG_dict .. parsed-literal:: {'EW': , 'b': , 'f': array([ 1.18 , 0.0863 , 0.127 , 0.00208]), 'logN': 13.693355878125537, 'parm': , 'redEW': array([ 3.42186280e-04, 5.22125891e-05, 7.29522068e-05, -1.07897867e-05]), 'sig_EW': , 'sig_b': , 'sig_logN': 0.054323725737309987, 'wrest': }