.. _GUIs: **** GUIs **** .. index:: GUIs Notebooks ========= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 XSpecGui XAbsSysGui Overview ======== There are several GUIs included with linetools, primarily for simple spectral inspection and analysis. We caution that it is difficult (essentially impossible) to generate unit tests for these GUIs. As such, they are far from bug free and may crash unexpectedly. Buyer beware! Continuum fitting ================= This enables interactive fitting of the unabsorbed continuum for a spectrum. A series of 'knot' positions are estimated, and these are then joined with a spline to produce a continuum. Spline points can be interactively added, deleted or moved to improve the continuum. See the notebook for an example. XSpecGUI ======== This enables visual inspection of a spectrum. Simple analysis (e.g. equivalent width measurements) may also be performed. See the notebook for details. XAbsSysGui ========== This shows a velocity (stack) plot of the absorption lines from an input absorption line system. The user can then modify the velocity limits that would be used for subsequent analysis, flag bad lines, blends, set limits, etc. The modified absoprtion system is then written to the hard-drive as a JSON file.