xabssys Documentation ===================== .. :download:`Download ` this notebook. This ipython Notebook is intended to provide documentation for the linetools GUI named XAbsSysGui. Enjoy and feel free to suggest edits/additions, etc. Before Launching the GUI ------------------------ If you are a Mac user, we **highly** recommend that you set your matplotlib backend from MacOSX to TkAgg (or another option, see `backends `__). Launching the GUI ----------------- From the command line (recommended) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We recommend you use the script provided with linetools. Then it is as simple as: :: > lt_xabssys spec_file abssys_file The abssys_file is expected to be a JSON file that contains an AbsSystem (likely written with the write_json method). Here are the current command-line options: :: > lt_xspec -h usage: lt_xabssys [-h] [-outfile OUTFILE] [-llist LLIST] [--un_norm] spec_file abssys_file Parse for XAbsSys positional arguments: spec_file Spectral file abssys_file AbsSys file (JSON) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -outfile OUTFILE Output filename -llist LLIST Name of LineList --un_norm Spectrum is NOT normalized From within ipython or equivalent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not yet implemented -------------- Navigating in the Main Window- These key strokes help you explore the spectrum (be sure to click in the spectrum panel first!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Setting the window edges (mouse+keystroke) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - l -- Set left edge of window - r -- Set right edge of window - t -- Set top edge of window - b -- Set bottom edge of window Zoom in/out Wavelength ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - i -- Zoom in on cursor - I -- Zoom in extra fast - o -- Zoom out - O -- Zoom out extra fast Zoom out Flux ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Y -- Zoom out Pan ~~~ - [ -- Pan left - { -- Pan left extra - ] -- Pan right - } -- Pan right extra Adjusting Rows/Columns ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - = -- Move to next page of lines - - -- Move to previous page of lines - C -- Add a column - c -- Remove a column - K -- Add a row - k -- Remove a row -------------- Modifying Absorption lines -------------------------- Limits and Blends ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~