xspec Documentation =================== :download:`Download ` this notebook. This ipython Notebook is intended to provide documentation for the linetools GUI named XSpecGUI. Enjoy and feel free to suggest edits/additions, etc. Here is a screenshot of the XSpecGUI in action: .. code:: python from IPython.display import Image Image(filename="images/xspec_example.png") .. image:: xspecgui_files/xspecgui_1_0.png The example spectrum file used below is part of the linetools package. .. code:: python import imp lt_path = imp.find_module('linetools')[1] spec_fil = lt_path+'/spectra/tests/files/PH957_f.fits' Before Launching the GUI ------------------------ If you are a Mac user, we **highly** recommend that you set your matplotlib backend from MacOSX to TkAgg (or another option, see `backends `__). Launching the GUI ----------------- From the command line (recommended) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We recommend you use the script provided with linetools. Then it is as simple as: :: > lt_xspec filename Here are the current command-line options:: > lt_xspec -h usage: lt_xspec [-h] [--zsys ZSYS] [--norm] [--exten EXTEN] [--wave_tag WAVE_TAG] [--flux_tag FLUX_TAG] [--sig_tag SIG_TAG] [--var_tag VAR_TAG] [--ivar_tag IVAR_TAG] file Parse for XSpec positional arguments: file Spectral file optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --zsys ZSYS System Redshift --norm Show spectrum continuum normalized (if continuum is provided) --exten EXTEN FITS extension --wave_tag WAVE_TAG Tag for wave in Table --flux_tag FLUX_TAG Tag for flux in Table --sig_tag SIG_TAG Tag for sig in Table --var_tag VAR_TAG Tag for var in Table --ivar_tag IVAR_TAG Tag for ivar in Table From within ipython or equivalent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: from linetools.guis import xspecgui as ltxsg import imp; imp.reload(ltxsg) ltxsg.main(spec_fil) -------------- Navigating - These key strokes help you explore the spectrum (be sure to click in the spectrum panel first!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Setting the window edges (mouse+keystroke) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - l -- Set left edge of window - r -- Set right edge of window - t -- Set top edge of window - b -- Set bottom edge of window - Z -- Set bottom edge to 0. - W -- View full spectrum - s,s -- Set a zoom-in window at 2 mouse positions Zoom in/out Wavelength ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - i -- Zoom in on cursor - I -- Zoom in extra fast - o -- Zoom out - O -- Zoom out extra fast Best estimate Flux limits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - y -- Make a guess for the flux plotting limits Zoom out Flux ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Y -- Zoom out Pan ~~~ - [ -- Pan left - { -- Pan left extra - ] -- Pan right - } -- Pan right extra -------------- Overlaying Line Lists --------------------- You can overlay a series of vertical lines at standard spectral lines at any given redshift. Setting the Line List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You must choose a line-list by clicking one. Setting the redshift ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Type one in - RMB on a spectral feature (Ctrl-click on Emulated 3-button on Macs) - Choose the rest wavelength Marking Doublets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - C -- CIV - M -- MgII - X -- OVI - 4 -- SiIV - 8 -- NeVIII - B -- Lyb/Lya Velocity plot (Coming Soon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once a line list and redshift are set, type 'v' to launch a Velocity Plot GUI. -------------- Simple Analysis --------------- Gaussian Fit ~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can fit a Gaussian to any single feature in the spectrum as follows: 1. Click "G" at the continuum at one edge of the feature 1. And then another "G" at the other edge (also at the continuum) 1. A simple Gaussian is fit and reported. Equivalent Width ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can measure the rest EW of a spectral feature as follows: 1. Click "E" at the continuum at one edge of the feature 1. And then another "E" at the other edge (also at the continuum) 1. A simple boxcar integration is performed and reported. Apparent Column Density ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can measure the apparent column via AODM as follows: 1. Click "N" at the continuum at one edge of the feature 1. And then another "EN" at the other edge (also at the continuum) 1. A simple AODM integration is performed and reported. Ly\ :math:`\alpha` Lines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - "D" - Plot a DLA with :math:`N_{\rm HI} = 10^{20.3} \rm cm^{-2}` - "R" - Plot a SLLS with :math:`N_{\rm HI} = 10^{19} \rm cm^{-2}`