AbsComponent Class


This Class is designed to organize and analyze a set of absorption lines.

By definition, an AbsComponent is a unique collection of absorption lines specified by:

Property Variable Type Description
RA, DEC radec tuple or coord RA,DEC in deg or astropy.coordinate
Z, ion Zion tuple Atomic Number (Z) and ionization state (ion)
Redshift zcomp float Absorption redshift of the component
Velocity limits vlim Quantity array -/+ velocity limits of the component
Energy level Ej Quantity Energy of the level relative to ground
Isotope A int Atomic Mass number (optional)


The AbsComponent Class may be instantiated in a few ways. The default sets the properties listed above:

abscomp = AbsComponent((10.0*u.deg, 45*u.deg), (14,2), 1.0, [-300,300]*u.km/u.s)

More commonly, one will instantiate with one ~linetools.spectralline.AbsLine object:

lya = AbsLine(1215.670*u.AA, z=2.92939)
lya.limits.set([-300.,300.]*u.km/u.s)  # vlim
abscomp1 = AbsComponent.from_abslines([lya])

or multiple:

lyb = AbsLine(1025.7222*u.AA, z=lya.z)
lyb.limits.set([-300.,300.]*u.km/u.s)  # vlim
abscomp = AbsComponent.from_abslines([lya,lyb])

One may also instantiate from a dict, usually read from the hard-drive (e.g. a JSON file):

abscomp = AbsComponent.from_dict(idict)

One may also generate a set of components from a larger list of AbsLines:

complist = ltiu.build_components_from_abslines([lya,lyb,SiIIlines[0],SiIIlines[1]])


There is a set of default attributes that are initialized at Instantiation and kepy in an attrib dict. These are:

init_attrib = {'N': 0./u.cm**2, 'sig_N': [0.,0.]/u.cm**2, 'flag_N': 0, # Column
          'logN': 0., 'sig_logN': np.array([0.,0.]),
          'b': 0.*u.km/u.s, 'sig_b': 0.*u.km/u.s,  # Doppler
          'vel': 0*u.km/u.s, 'sig_vel': 0*u.km/u.s

One can access these attributes with standard . syntax, e.g.:

logN = abscomp.logN   # This accesses the logN value from the internal attrib dict


Here are a few simple methods to explore/inspect the class.

Generate a Table

If the class contains one or more AbsLines, you may generate a ~astropy.table.Table from their attributes and data:

comp_tbl = abscomp.build_table()

Show a Stack Plot

If the AbsLine have spectra attached to them (in attrib[‘spec’]), a stack plot (aka velocity plot) is generated with:


Apparent Column Densitities

Show a plot of the apparent column density profiles, \(N_a\):



Here are some methods related to analysis.

Synthesize Columns

If one inputs a set of AbsLine(s) with column density measurements, the column densities are synthesized at instantiation unless one sets skip_synth=True.

There are two approaches to synthesis:


The default uses the synthesize_colm() method. Positive, unsaturated detections are combined in a weighted mean whereas limits are compared and the most sensitive one is adopted.:

Here is the set of rules:

  1. If all measurements are upper limits, take the lowest value and flag as an upper limit (flag_N=3).
  2. If all measurements are a mix of upper and lower limits, take the highest lower limit and flag as a lower limit (flag_N=2).
  3. If one or more measurements are a proper detection, take the weighted mean of these and flag as a detection (flag_N=1).

A future implementation will introduce a flag for bracketing an upper and lower limit value.


Another option for synthesizing the column densities and other attributes is to take the median values. This is performed when one passes adopt_median=True to the from_abslines() call, e.g.:

abscomp = AbsComponent.from_abslines([lya,lyb], adopt_median=True)

The current code computes the median on all input values and does not consider the flag_N values for the input AbsLine objects.

Curve of Growth

A standard, single-component curve-of-growth (COG) analysis may be performed on the set of AbsLines:

COG_dict = abscomp.cog(show_plot=True)

The output dict includes:

Key Type Description
EW Quantity array Input equivalent widths
sigEW Quantity array Input error in equivalent widths
f ndarray Input f-values
wrest Quantity array Input rest wavelengths
logN float Output fitted column density (log10)
sig_logN float Output error in fitted logN
b Quantity Output b-value (km/s)
sig_b Quantity Output error in b-value (km/s)



One may generate a dict of the key properties of the AbsComponent with the to_dict() method:

cdict = component.to_dict()

One may also wish to Voigt profile fit components with one of a number of software packages (e.g. ALIS, JoeBVP). To generate an input file for JoeBVP use:

from linetools.isgm.io import write_joebvp_from_components
write_joebvp_from_components(component_list, specfile, 'output_file.ascii')

Similarly, one can generate a list of components from an outputted JoeBVP file:

from linetools.isgm.io import read_joebvp_to_components
comp_list = read_joebvp_to_components('joebvp_file.out')

Synthesize Components

This method combines a list of two or more components into a new one. It checks first for consistent RA/DEC, Zion, and Ej. It does not place any constraints on z and vlim. The column density of the new component is the sum of the input ones (with rules for limits). And the redshift and vlim are set to encompass the velocities of the input components.:

from linetools.isgm import utils as ltiu
synth_SiII = ltiu.synthesize_components([SiIIcomp1,SiIIcomp2])

See the Examples for the AbsComponent Class (v0.3) notebook for a complete example.


You can also create a list of components using an input astropy.table.Table object (mandatory column names are [‘RA’, ‘DEC’, ‘ion_name’, ‘z_comp’, ‘vmin’, ‘vmax’, ‘Z’, ‘ion’, ‘Ej’]):

from astropy.table import Table
tab = Table()
tab['ion_name'] = ['HI', 'HI', 'CIV', 'SiII', 'OVI']
tab['Z'] = [1,1,4,14,8]
tab['ion'] = [1,1,4,2,6]
tab['Ej'] = [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]/u.cm
tab['z_comp'] = [0.05, 0.0999, 0.1, 0.1001, 0.3]
tab['logN'] = [12.0, 13.0., 13.0, 14.0, 13.5]
tab['sig_logN'] = [0.1, 0.12., 0.15, 0.2, 0.1]
tab['flag_logN'] = [1, 1, 2, 0, 1]
tab['RA'] = 100.0 * u.deg * np.ones(len(tab))
tab['DEC'] = -0.8 * u.deg * np.ones(len(tab))
tab['vmin'] = -50 * u.km/u.s * np.ones(len(tab))
tab['vmax'] =  50 * u.km/u.s * np.ones(len(tab))

complist = ltiu.complist_from_table(tab)

These components will not have AbsLines defined by default. However, it is very easy to append AbsLines to these components for a given observed wavelength and minimum rest-frame equivalent width:

# add abslines
wvlim = [1100, 1500]*u.AA
for comp in complist:
   comp.add_abslines_from_linelist(llist='ISM', wvlim=wvlim, min_Wr=0.01*u.AA, chk_sep=False)

This will look for transitions in the LineList(‘ISM’) object and append those expected to be within wvlim to each corresponding AbsComponent in the complist. In this example, only those AbsLines expected to have rest-frame equivalent widths larger than 0.01*u.AA will be appended, but if you wish to include all of the available AbsLines you can set min_Wr=None. Here, we have set chk_sep=False to avoid checking for coordinates because by construction the individual AbsLines have the same coordinates as the corresponding AbsComponent.

One can, of course, go the other way and generate a Table from a list of components:

tab2 = ltiu.table_from_complist(complist)

If you wish to write to disk, we recommend that you use the astropy format: ascii.ecsv

Use Components to create a spectrum model

You can create a spectrum model using a list of AbsComponents, e.g.:

from linetools.analysis import voigt as lav
wv_array = np.array(1100,1500, 0.1)*u.AA
model = lav.voigt_from_components(wv_array, complist)

In this manner, model is a XSpectrum1D object with the the AbsComponents contained in the complist list. You may also add a convolution with a given kernel to compare with observations from different spectrographs, in which case you can use:

model = lav.voigt_from_components(wv_array, complist, fwhm=3)

This is same as before but the model is convolved with a Gaussian kernel of FWHM of 3 pixels.